". The Latest Beauty News Blog: Women really do prefer pink researchers say

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Women really do prefer pink researchers say

clipped from uk.reuters.com

Recent studies have suggested there is a universal
preference for "blue," and there has not been much previous
evidence to support the idea of sex differences when picking
colors, said Anya Hurlbert, a neuroscientist at Newcastle
University who led the study.

Researchers said these differences may have a basis in
evolution in which females developed a preference for reddish
colors associated with riper fruit and healthier faces.

LONDON (Reuters) - Boys like blue, girls like pink and
there isn't much anybody can do about it, researchers said on
Monday in one of the first studies to show scientifically that
there are gender-based color preferences.

Women really do prefer pink, researchers say

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1 comment:

asfjh said...

they probably DO prefer pink, but why is that? it's not their genes, it's their upbringing.

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